PREDIction of SIgnal peptides
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PrediSi (PREDIction of SIgnal peptides) is a software tool for predicting signal peptide sequences and their cleavage positions in bacterial and eukaryotic proteins.

Field of Application
It is especially useful for the fast analysis of large datasets because calculation is performed in real time with a high accuracy. Therefore PrediSi is well suited for the evaluation of whole proteome datasets which are currently accumulating during numerous genome projects and proteomics experiments.

The employed method is based on a position weight matrix approach which is improved by a frequency correction that takes the amino acid bias present in proteins in consideration. The software was trained using sequences extracted from the most recent version of the SwissProt database.

PrediSi is freely accessible via web interface for the analysis of an unlimited number of sequences. Furthermore it can be download as a Java package and thus can be easily integrated into other software projects.


  1. Upload or Paste Sequences:
    Submit sequences in fasta format either as uploaded file or paste them into the text field.

  2. Choose Options:
    Choose organism group (eukaryota, Gram-negative or Gram-positive bacteria), truncation of signal peptides, output format (XML, comma-separated values, HTML-table). Furthermore you can determine wether results should be downloaded as file or shown in browser.

  3. Download or View Results:
    Download your results as zipped file or view them.

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 © 2003 by Karsten Hiller •  Institute for Microbiology •  Technical University of Braunschweig •  contact: